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AmiWigilia (AmiEve) is party for all Amiga users since 2008. If you want visit Poland, you can conect it with Amiga Party.

You are welcome to Poznan!

Amiga Party held in Poznan, always in December. The event takes place in a friendly café-bar Meskalina on the street Stary Rynek 6, which is the very center of the city! At the party place you will have internet access: LAN and WiFi; and projector etc.
The event is open to the public, but we have separate room where everyone can easily fit. We expect that during the event there will be people not from our environment. However, we believe, it is very good, because we can show that our computer is still alive.
Links to the pictures:
1. AmiWigilia 2014,
2. AmiWigilia 2010,
3. AmiWigilia 2009
4. AmiWigilia 2008 

If someone wanted to present something interesting, we bring a help.

Wyświetl większą mapę

Wallpaper from last party:

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