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Published episodes can subscribe on iTunes and FeedBurner.
I also invite you to like fanpage on Facebook .
Latest news you will find on my blog .

About project:

  • Podcast publishing cycle is fixed for a month,
  • Special episodes are planned (except for mentioned month cycle),
  • The blog is a podcast support and will include additional information such as: emulation, news from the world of the Amiga,
  • Podcast is intended for current and future users of solutions based on AmigaOS, MorphOS and AROS.
  • And some more:
  • Feel free to share your suggestions and discussion about this podcast,
  • Anyone who has something interesting to say will be heard and recorded :),
  • Please promote the podcast on your own, target is to attract new users for Amiga.

  • Made with Amiga! Polski Portal Amigowy
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